This info will be used to create your Promoter Bio.
You will be able to add more information to your member-profile* when your Bio has become active. By signing up, you authorize SILISPRO Music to use the information you provide to promote you on our network. You ARE NOT signing up for a website. All enrollments are subject to approval – anyone found using their enrollment to promote hate speech, adult content, or SPAM can be blocked without notice.
You must be actively promoting 1(one) or more musicians to be approved. There is no limit on how many artists you can promote. Please note that promoting an artists without their prior permission is not allowed. All New Bio requests are subject to approval.
*Member profiles display contact information about the artist or promoter (the creator of the Bio)
BIOS Include:
– Your Display Name
– Your Bio
– Primary Location
– Website Link
– Social Media Links
Promotions are featured on:
– This Website
– SILISPRO Website (Community Page)
– Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram)
– Other artists websites in the
same genre/ category.